Mike Majkowski - November [Gusstaff Records]
Also released on November 22nd, 2k24 via the ever active Polish label that is Gustaff Records is "November", part two of a corresponding twin album set produced and composed by Australian musician Maik Majkowski. Consisting of two extended pieces - "Mood" and "Echo" - rolled out over roughly half an hour playtime we see Majkowski focusing on what is described as 'solo electronics' in the accompanying press sheet, bringing forth a deeply calming, nocturnal and well meditative take on Ambient music comprised of what could be described as a minimalist, yet harmonic array of gong tones of probably SouthEast Asian origin in the albums first half whereas the second transfers this approach to a more subdued and slightly Dark Ambient-leaning level, shifting the gong tones to the back end of the mix whilst drowning them in organic, yet ground trembling bass drones and low end pulses and adding skeletal metallic clangs for a stripped down and somewhat irregular rhythmic element being blown over from afar. A beauteous and highly recommended sonic journey about to end up on heavy rotation with avid fans of organic Deep Listening Music for a reason.
Album artwork on Instagram!
Album artwork on Instagram!
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