Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Catharine Cary - Air Cake And Other Summery Occupations [Orchard Of Pomegranates]

This is a special one. Released on June 21st, 2k24 via Orchard Of Pomegranates is "Air Cake And Other Summery Occupations", the latest album by Canadian writer x author and painter, performance artist Catharine Cary who sets out to fuse her self-written children's stories with a backdrop of improvised music performed on cornet, bass clarinet, toys and drums by Eric Lewis and Ivan Bamford. With this conceptual and yet spontaneity driven approach Cary and her sonic contributors deliver a roughly 45 minutes long journey through nine chapters, opening a window into the artists creativity which, in its intense lively vocal performance, evokes faint memories of lyricists like Lydia Lunch - despite dealing with less intense topics, ofc - or Irene Lavic and takes us on a journey into raw, almost fever'ish and Tribal-infused drum backings, late night quasi-Viennese Future Jazz, intricate philosophical iterations and thought processes and highly imaginative storytelling which even manages to captivate the non-native English speaking listener due to the sole dynamic and liveliness of Cary's expressive voice alone . An in between album which is at home both in the world of music and, at the same time, in the realm of literature x audio books yet neither claims, tries to be or fully occupies one or the other. Fascinating.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a stupendous review ! Love it. And learned from it. Thank you. Catharine Cary

9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... I have performed with Lydia Lunch and.....I am a card-carrying philosophy professor! Cheers! Eric Lewis

9:45 PM  

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