Thursday, July 25, 2024

Stone Music - July 15, 2022 [Room40 Promo]

Released via the long-standing Australian Room40 imprint on July 15th, 2k24 is "July 15, 2022", the first ever longplay live album by Stone Music - a quasi-, yet not fully official successor project to the Taj Mahal Travellers whom released their first ever album on July 15th, 1972. Initiated by original TMT members Tokio Hasegawa and Seiji Nagai, the only still active members of the former group of six, as a celebration of the 50th recordings anniversary of the first TMT album a group of perfomers gathered by Hasegawa and Nagai came together on the exact same day the TMT original was recorded to perform and improvise live in an intimate setting, bringing together the sound of electronics, electric percussion, bamboo, stone, shadow, gorilla voices and other instruments. The result of this celebratory effort is a 34 minutes spanning album divided into three individual pieces which opens with a rather deep and spatial fusion of electronics based Deep Listening Music in combination with whirling, spiralling Free Jazz saxophones and slow tectonic low end pulses evolving into somewhat spiritual and comforting Ambient music with a singing voice, probably performing some traditional music, buried deep within the mix whereas the second part, still backed by deep electronics, provides a livelier and more intense emphasis on highly expressive Free Jazz before "July 15, 2022" culminates in screaming, high-pitched, yet rather more 'traditional' sax improvisations of a rather noisy and psychedelia-infused nature before this vibe dissipates in a slightly experimental, yet also somewhat retrofuturist manner. Quite a journey and a one of a kind album which is probably both suitable for fans of Modern Improv as well as trippy and beyond far out Psychedelic (Rock) experiments of many a decade ago.


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