Sunday, July 21, 2024

Specio - Specio [Prohibited Records 068]

Put out on the circuit via Prohibited Records on May 10th, 2k24 is "Specio", the latest self-titled album outing cooked up by the duo comprised of Nicolas Laureau and Sasha Andres which, as a joint venture studio force, operate under the same name as well. Over the course of eight pieces and a total duration of approx. 39 minutes we see Andres vocal performances hover above and embed in the soundscapes created by Laureau, creating a wide-angled spectrum ranging from whispered Spoken Words and tender guitar backings to tunes like "Flux" which present a slightly darker, hypnotic and almost brooding, in parts even claustrophobic feel whilst the frolicking and playful "Va Jouer!" even touches base with a folksy attitude and certain elements of Leftfield Pop, "Birds Nest" seems to be slightly influenced by both Indian Raga and so-called Ethno ChillOut of the 90s and might be one to consider for one of the next compilations issued by the Parisian Buddha Bar, "Ouvrir" offers lively, slightly dramatic and Jazz-infused piano backings for Andres' tender vocals and "Vertical Janus" surprisingly even enters uncharted Synth x Cosmic territories just to name a few. Defo one album about to reveal its deeper layers over a series of focused listening sessions.

Album artwork on Instagram!


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