Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Fullmoon - Moon 3 [Fullmoon Records 003 Promo]

Put out on the digital circuit via the artist run label that is Fullmoon Records on April 9th, 2k24 is "Moon 3", the third consecutive album on the imprint crafted by the still quite mysterious entity that is Fullmoon. With a total of six tracks rolled out over a duration of approx. 90 minutes Fullmoon explores a realm of eerie, warped, twisted, glitched and somewhat otherworldy Ambient, or how this genre would sound in the infamous mirror universe referred to as the Upside Down, in "Northern City" whereas "Reykjavik" pairs glacial Drone Ambient with what seem to be field recorded sounds of running water before "A Source" once again is back to interdimensional flutterings and retrofuturist Deep Listening Music x score work for roughly 23 minutes. Furthermore we see "Heliosphere" as an offering of classic space and time defying Ambient backed by rumbling thunder for true genre connaisseurs, "Nice Days" even provides whirling swells of (Neo)Cosmic and early Synth psychedelia and the concluding "Organs In The Sky" evokes a certain kind of immediate alertness within the listener which is quite astounding for what could be described as an extended journey into the lands of ColdAmbient or even UnAmbient if one will, the latter especially because of the ever emerging tectonic low end shifts which could turn out to be earth shaking and wall cracking when played at maximum volume on a massive soundsystem in front of an audience. Good stuff.


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