Wednesday, July 17, 2024

4ZZZ1 - Armadillo EP [Psychocandies 116 Promo]

Put out on the digital circuit via the ever active Psychocandies label on April 4th, 2k24 is the "Armadillo EP" by 4ZZZ1 who's been a long time contributor to the labels catalogue over the past twelve years or so. Opening with the title track that is "Armadillo" 4ZZZ1 caters an absolute uber-bomb in terms of driving, gooey and elastic Acid madness garnished with major grooves which are about to make every dancefloor jack whereas the subsequent follow up "Bad Brains" pairs tribal'esque Oliver Ho-like Broken Techno signatures with driving straight bassdrums and screaming peaktime Acid modulations and therefore provides a major peak time weapon for each and every experienced Techno DJ out there. Essential.


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