Monday, June 24, 2024

The Nausea - Requiem [Absurd Exposition / Buried In Slag And Debris]

Released on June 7th, 2k24 as a label collaboration between the two imprints Absurd Exposition and Buried In Slag And Debris is "Requiem", the full length album firstling by Anju Singh's The Nausea project. With the album rolled out over the course of 10 tracks and approx. 44 minutes of total runtime Singh draws inspiration from death itself and her inherent and still ongoing childhood confusion about how and what to feel at funerals as well her involvement in the Black Metal / Death Metal outfit Ceremonial Bloodbath which in itself is quite an unsual feat for a violin player which also feels well at home in the Classical and Avantgarde realm, an influence that can already be felt in the whirling maelstrom of the opening piece  "Respice Finem" which fuses an intense, slightly off-kilter performance on her instrument of choice with heavy Noize eruptions whilst the subsequent "Eleison" seems to hark back to the realm of Classical music as it could be played, imagined and performed in an outerdimensional realm whereas "NIl Inultum Remanebit" seems to mirror festive medieval dances in a contemporary manner. With these three compositions paving the way for things to come we see Singh embarking on a journey which leads her from repetetive Classical elegies towards a climax of intense grinding digital Noize in "Ascension" whilst "Abyssal Depths" provides an almost ceremonial quality which, once again, is subdued by chaotic Noize eruptions and the second to last cut that is "Eleison Vindicta" pairs the deep and ceremonial side Of The Nausea with well unsettling grinding tones and varying, ever meandering off-harmonics just to name a few. This is well intense.

Album artwork on Instagram!


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