Sunday, June 23, 2024

Final - What We Don't See [Room40 Promo]

Released via the ever active Australian label that is Room40 on May 31st, 2k24 is "What We Don't See", the latest album by Justin K. Broadrick of Godflesh-, Techno Animal-, Jesu- and JK Flesh-fame amongs others who's exploring new sonic territories with his 49 minutes spanning firstling under the moniker of Final. Opening with the forebodingly titled "Bodyless" Broadrick a.k.a. Final enters a hazy and washed out world of glacial Ambient accompanied by tectonic, almost physicial bass movements at the lower end of the audible spectrum with the follow up "Only In Dreams" providing time-dissolving electrical dronings quite similar to a helicopter hovering in a far distance or a small motorplane passing over one's head on a clear and quiet summers day. Furthermore "Inbetween You" probably is the tune closest to what might be referred to as classic Ambient on this album with its washed out, slightly warped off harmonics, grainy vintage tape aesthetics and a rather innocent and rural overall feel, "Your Bit Of Sky" follows up with a calmer and extremely soothing take on glacial, ever meandering low end heavy Ambient before "Behind Me" sends the informed listener off into a sphere of deep sleep with its wafting, nocturnal movements and solemn, almost comforting slow motion pulses. One for the dedicated fan of Deep Listening and quite a surprising longplayer from the long standing producer that is Justin K. Broadrick.


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