Staffan Brasjö - Stratosfär [SB 001]
Coming in via mail all the way from Sweden these days is "Stratosfär", the new and self-released album outing by composer x piano-player x choir-conductor Staffan Brasjö which is set for release on February 18th, 2k22. Creating an album roughly based on the conceptual layers of the earths stratosphere - hence: "Stratosfär" - Brasjö lays down a musical score which he, alongside collaborating artists x performers Josefin Runsteen and Vilhelm Bromander, rolls out over the course of nine tracks and a total playtime of roughly 40 minutes, covering a musical range from tender, playful and somewhat introvert piano-led Jazz pieces like "Blidväder (Thaw)", moving forward to the more folksy, naturalistic "Archaeopteryx" which could've provided the soundtrack to formal x courtly dances in times of yore whilst diving deep into (Neo)Classical x Contemporary classical ambience and panoramic strings works in the albums title track as well as nightly Jazz Noir featuring elegic violins and ethereal clouds of plinkering piano tones in "Himlavalvets Mekanik" just to name a few. Defo a well heart warming and intimate album best listened to with a loved one by your side.
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