Friday, March 12, 2021

ICP Septet + Joris Roelofs / Terrie Ex / Mara's Pianola - Komen & Gaan [Instant Composers Pool 066]

Put on the circuit as 066 of the Instant Composers Pool label on February 15th, 2k21 is "Komen & Gaan", a sixteen track album composed on the spot - apart from one single track that is - when recorded at Le Brocope, a music venue located in the very north of Holland. As with a lot off so-called instant compositions and therefore improvised music the actual musical content is hard to grasp and to define in terms of musical genre drawers, yet the multi-piece set of composers / performers invlvd manages to build up an arc of tension from the very first opening seconds of "Lucht", which seems to be a first, carefully executed test for all wind and brass instruments invlvd in the ten piece line-up, progresses into a modern take on Jazz standards with the classy, comforting and somewhat 60s vintage sounding "De Linkerschoen, De Rechterschoen 1", weighs in a yearning, yet busy and hounded, slightly over the top bit of silent film score works in "MaGuTer", thundering, dramatic piano eruptions in "GuTer" which cites well known, recognizable microphrases alongside moments of full on improvisation whereas pieces like "Kroket" or "De Linkerschoen, De Rechterschoen 2" focus on deeper, more fragile and tender, partly even romantic moments in Jazz for advanced followers of the genre.

Album artwork on Instagram!


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