
Saturday, November 23, 2019

Ian Wellman - Bioaccumulation [Room40 Promo]

Released via the Australia-based Ambient staple Room40 on October 4th, 2k19 is Ian Wellman's  album "Bioaccumulation" on which the L.A. resident refers to the process of accumulation of toxic substances in the environment and applies this concept to his reprocessing of bio-acoustic Field Recordings and other artificial loops, mostly on a four track tape machine. The result is a pretty much ongoing - presumably, although our CDr promo copy has a moment of silence in between single tunes -, seamless journey through a total of eleven tracks stretched out over roughly 43 minutes, progressing from pure Field Recordings towards dramatic, brooding highlights like "Extraction" which defo could provide the score for a forthcoming apocalypse with its intense, score'esque string works and grinding, thundering background whereas compositions like the aptly named "Distant Hope" seem to bring an idea of peace and harmony back into the sonic realm created by Wellman which is, no matter if one supports the seeping in of environmental discussions into conceptual music creation or not, one that caters some interesting moments for die-hard fans and collectors of Ambient music even though it cannot be considered a revolutionary, groundbreaking or essential body of work within the genre.   

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