Friday, June 20, 2014

Jesse Osborne-Lanthier (Noir) / The H / Madison Dinelle / Hobo Cubes - On Organization: A Study Of Form In Pictures And Music [Los Discos Enfantasmes 050]

A conceptual combined media piece "On Organization"? A Clicks'n'Cuts mini album coming with an art book edition? A limited work of science transferring visual data into highly abstract, musical pieces or the other way round exploring the evolution of 3D space into higher forms of multidimensionalism musically, starting from simple two dimensional flatlands and rocketing of into a multifold quantum universe where only geometrically exposed photographs make up a whole picture due to weird effects of warped space time? Although none of these questions is truly answered by this collaborational quadruple artist mini album that comes as limited to 500 pieces CD + book edition it's a quite remarkable piece, fusing Deep Listening music and highly electronic, micro-detailed Clicks'n'Cuts to calm but still thrilling effects - partly sounding like a long lost alien transmission or the friendly chatter of electronic microservants. Fully recommended for those loving the abstract conceptualism of labels like Mille Plateaux or Raster-Noton as well as the clean, puristic elegance of the 2007-founded Electroton imprint.


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