Monday, May 28, 2012

dmvssm - atOnal session [Pharmacom Records]

Volume three in the so-called "Recycled Tapes" series released as limited to 15 copies worldwide albums on previously used C90 cassettes is the "atOnal session" by dmvssm which holds the conjunctional studio forces of Sascha Müller and M. Reckers focusing on the experimental side of electronic music, mostly beatless but not unstructured, Ambient but not relaxing, using weird echoes and sometimes not very comfortable feedback orgies for the experienced listener. Four variations of a similar theme are served here, the fourth session even stretched over a whole side of the tape which equals a total running time of 45 minutes for one tune alone. Defo not an easy one to take, especially when listened to at home in one ongoing session but after the first 15 minutes of the tape one might find oneself encapsulated in a sci-fi-esque but trashy aural environment that might be taken from an old b- or c-movie soundtrack made in the "Dark Star" era or even before that time. Sometimes cold and hypnotic, sometimes bringing storming clouds of Noise and distortion and even some kind of melody.... if you want to call recognizable and tonal structures that. Watch out for this one and find yourself a copy via Hamburgs Otaku Records which is afaik the only store and mailorder able to deliver copies of the "Recycled Tapes" series these days.


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