Christian Harder: New Album Released As Free Download

These are trouble times for the music industry as a whole and for struggling, independent underground artists as well. Due to this Hamburg-based artist Christian Harder decided to release his new album "It Was Love After All" as FREE DOWNLOAD from his very own website, instead of holding it back and trying to find a label for it which he has done for a while. As I've enjoyed prelistening files of these songs for about year or even longer there's no other option but to recommend to get hold of these quite fast.
Here's what the artist himself says in an email sent out today:
"Auf meiner Website findet ihr den Link zum neuen Christian Harder Album "It Was Love After All". Ihr könnt es downloaden und an eure Liebsten verschenken. Oder selber hören. Oder eine CD brennen. Geht alles. Geld verdient man mit Musik eh keine mehr, deshalb lieber einen Betrag an eine Hilfsorganisation eurer Wahl einzahlen. Danke.
Viel Spaß.
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